30 August 2017

Record of meeting 30 August 2017

The writers

Dennis, Pat, Lynn, Cath, Helene, Pauline, Terry, Elizabeth
Thanks to Pauline who did a great job facilitating an enjoyable meeting

The words

Diaphanous – translucent
Nemesis – retribution, avenger
Sardonic – smirking, patronising
Pernicious – hostile, unpleasant
Punctilious – fine point, particular detail
Egregious – prominent, inappropriate, outrageous, shocking
Salamander – a lizard like animal, person to endure great heat
Seaweed – large algae growing in the sea or on rocks below the high water mark

Writing from words of the day
The writers grabbed the finer points from the words of the day and wrote about - Saving our society, A cure, A flower in a button hole, Her eyes fixed on me, He fell on seaweed, I see and smell, Abandoned and human enemies.

Reading of homework
The enthusiastic writers read out homework about:  Peter – not sure where he went wrong, Bimbo wore only mink, Remembering a name and skin texture, On the veranda, Sir Gordon, Hockey teams, Cheryl a story teller and Cowboys and Indians.

Exercise – a black dot on a white page
A mysterious exercise which resulted in the stories: Love of white, A peep hole, a well, a dress makers pin, on the mountain side, Donald Trump in deep water, It’s a sign not a song, cotton mills, black holes, a trick, a blunder, a bee, and a clean white sheet.

Exercise – disappearance of soap an international mystery

The writers wrote about soap with the following stories: In Warsaw, Scattered cushions, In Paris, London and Ireland, Barnaby and terra bytes, I sniffed the air, She took the Swiss soap to Kenya and no soap in Vincentia.

Write about your moods and emotions from a memory of a moment of your life (Professor Brian Cox describes it as a moment in space and time)

27 August 2017

Meeting 23rd August 2017

Terry, Cath, Lynn, Juan, Roberta, Pat

Re Lunch...the lunch planned for Monday 28th August has been postponed until further notice.

Fain...glad, joyful
Fantod...a state, an attack of uneasiness
Sequester...to isolate
Emancipate...to free from restraint
Endeavour...to strive after, attempt
Feral...untamed, wild

A range of stories, poems utilising the words above were read out.

Homework was presented which took us to break time.

The afternoon session involved an exercise whereby we developed a character's name by combining our first pet's name and the first street we lived in. E.g. Pet...Lucky, Street...Nottinghill Rd. So the character's name would be Lucky Nottinghill.
A good way of coming up with character names. The name suggested aspects of the character.

We then used the character in a short story/ poem.

Come up with another character's name by combining your best friend at school's first name with the suburb/town you first lived in...then...use that character in a story that incorporates the sentence
..."he thought he could find her in enemy territory"