11 November 2015



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The Writers

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Wendy, Juan, Terry, Di, Leonie, Cathy and Lynn

Word of the Day

Decoction             to boil down, extraction by mashing and boiling
Eggcorn                form of malapropism, word or phrase
                             misinterpreted - old wise tale to old wives tale
Insular                   isolation from others ideology, disinterested
Hostile                  aggressive opposition
Crestfallen            dejected, coward
Elongate               make longer  
Quixotically          romantic, impulsive, Don Quixote characteristics

From this eclectic mix came stories of pilots, self evaluation, old men including a professor and words and phrases.

The reading of the homework about the knife and blood stains elicited tales of murder weapons found, Big Jack's knife, a man on the run and Wendy's cleverly and quickly written Reply to Big Jack's Knife.

Leonie wrote a beautiful piece on Brain Stains.  The memories that stain our brains and we never forget, whether they are good or bad, guilty or guilt free we never lose sight of them.

From Juan came an entwined intelligent ditty condemning cliches written entirely in cliches.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in watching a Powerpoint presentation on forensics and an introduction of a series of DVD lessons on writing.   

Image result for doctor  child hands
As they departed Macy felt a shiver.  It felt cold...and unsettling...for...well something that wasn't supposed to exist.  And somehow she didn't trust the clammy little hand now clenched within hers..

                                     Image result for cold day woman and child hands


09 November 2015


RECORD OF MEETING 4TH NOVEMBER 2015                   

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Reminder of Christmas Party 10th Dec,  please contact Wendy for bookings

David, Pauline, Cathy, Wendy, Terry, Di and Lynn

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Words of the day

Flocculent   -   resembling tufts of wool, crumpled texture

Desultory   -   digressing from, disconnected

Butterball   -   overweight person

Extol      -    praise the virtue of

Avarice     -    extreme wealth

Pungent     -    strong sharp bitter smell

Entranced  -    to put into trance, cast a spell on

                                                Image result for entranced forest

From the words came stories of balls of butter, Melbourne Cup victory, leaking dams and poetic puns.

Reading of Homework

The famous people we meet and the reaction we have to them inspired some interesting stories of Eric Morcombe, Hoges and Clive James.  

A reading by Terry left the group wanting to know more in an intriguing mysterious narrative about a floating cadaver.  

We finished up a very social day with several versions of word association getting the grey matter working. 

                   Image result for word association cartoon  


Brown stains marked the bone handle of the hunting knife.  Blood does that ...