13 August 2014

Record of meeting 13 August 2014


Cath enjoyed eating in the Indian restaurant in Nowra. David R is heading for Queensland to see his children and grandchildren. Helene went to two movies on the weekend. Wendy went on a vintage car day and has an infected leg. Melissa had front row tickets for the cancelled Rick Springfield concert. Pauline is sad about Robin Williams’ death. Jo brought info about The Harbour Bookshop Ulladulla Open Short story prize with the theme of Edge, entry form available from www.escapeartfest.com.au and enquiries to info@escapeartfest.info  Welcome back to Lyn who had no news!!!  Diana had a bad week with a problem registering her cat and received a parking fine. Terry is planning to attend a classic car day at Eastern Park providing the weather is good. Leonie had a quiet week and had a lovely time visiting people with two dogs. David C chopped wood all week. Geoff attended two concerts, an Irish movie called Calvary and attempted to go whale watching.


Earmark = to mark for a specific purpose

Desiderium = an ardent longing

Depression = medical illness

Magnetic = a person who attracts by power or personality

Dauncy = feeling sick, lacking vitality

Nuance = a delicate shade of difference

Enervate = lacking physical or mental vigour

Privilege = a special advantage

Fraught = full of fright, anxious

Waive = suspend

Opportune = a convenient time

Perambulate = to walk

Metadata = data about data

Writing from words of the day

From the words of the day we created brilliant stories as follows
Leonie = protest from the majority

David C = getting my book published

Geoff = Mr Abbott has fast moving hips and lips

David R = the flea or me

Helene = chocolate metadata

Wendy = Lycra and suntan crème

Melissa = escaping a seminar

Pauline = Desire for innocent days

Jo = Leaving the school

Lynn = A soft target

Diana = meeting the scientists and management

Terry = What will I write

Reading of homework

Helene = silk and satin

David R = arachnophobia

David C = mixed up sisters

Leonie = cameras in the street

Terry = a visit to the morgue

Diana = preferring the night

Lynn = wind on my cheeks and crappy nappies - two great poems

Jo = a strange man at the door and ex husbands new wife - two different stories from Jo's amazing mind

Garry = scones with jam and cream

Discussion on matters of interest

1. Geoff while doing his tax on line, discovered that he was unable to claim medical expenses unless he had claimed them last year.

2. David R suggested for the future three part homework, the opening the first week, the second week the middle the second week, the end the third week.  Based on his suggestion David R read the first part of his poem - In the beginning.

3. Reminder - Author event Michael Robotham, Life and Death
Nowra library 1 pm Saturday 23 August

4. Leonie read a beautiful story about angels she wrote for her granddaughter.

5. Melissa’s last week 20 August before she sadly leaves JB with her husband Scott to live in Adelaide. Bring a small plate of goodies to share.

Two exercises

1. We created stories of survival in an overcrowded life raft

 2. We completed an exercise to improve three sentences while starting them with a noun


As part of a three part homework exercise write the introduction for a short story/poem. Your story should be up to five hundred words, set the scene and introduce two characters.

In the two following weeks we will write the middle and the end of the story. This homework is designed to develop confidence writing longer stories.



 Recorded and posted by Helene