24 January 2014

meeting 22nd january 2014

Once more into the breach, into the unknown world of the Bay and Basin Writer’s Group.


News of the Day

Melisa Nothing comes to mind

Terry Writing Poetry with a logical mind set

David C Moving On

Leonie Collecting her Mother

Elizabeth Visited a 100 year young friend and the Buddhist Temple

Jo Appointments are wearing her down Permanent Terminal but not Depressed

Cath A Homebody week

Wendy Her procedure cancelled yet again maybe next week

David R Back swimming with the Dolphins


Melisa Hegira Journey to escape a dangerous situation

Terry Acquiesce To go with the flow

David C Paltry Worthless, not very much

Leonie Facetious Playfully flippant non hurtful remarks

Elizabeth Satanic Diabolic

Jo Spoonful As much as a spoon holds

Cath Inanition Empty exhaustion from lack of nourishment

Wendy Nellie pot Shoeless barefooted

David R Diddly Squat Very little, non consequential

Quick write using the words of the day

Melisa Escape from a Cult

Terry Sleeping with Poetry

David R Poetic delirium

Leonie Camping with dire consequences

Elizabeth Soul searching

Jo Leaving Kings Cross behind

Cath How to use all the words

Wendy Poem of sandcastles in the air

David C Brilliantly written a gem of a short story {I am writing this blurb}

Homework In Five Years Time Where will I be What will I be doing

Terry Poem about Memories and hopes to be achieved

David C No end in sight

Melisa 5---To---15 you could end up in the Hudson River

David R Diddly Squat and wishful thinking

Wendy Growing old Disgracefully

Cath Will tell all in five years time

Jo Hopes to be finished her killer of a book

Elizabeth Retiring with Style and Grace

Leonie The new depression is coming

Smoko Tea and biscuits or coffee and cookies

Short exercise Sing to me I cried

Melisa CPR for a bird that could not sing

David R Sing like the Angels

Wendy Heaven and Elvis wait for me

Cath Tessa and Mum catch a song bird

Jo Under water Songstress

Elizabeth My Sunny Valentine

Leonie Mum and Baby

David C Maudling along

Terry Stuffed bird in a gilded cage

Homework Without the Book He couldn’t possibly --------dot dot dot