11 September 2013

Record of meeting 11 September 2013


Wendy, Trevor, Elizabeth, Jo, Cath, Terry,

 David C, Geoff, Jenny, Lynn and David R


Cath painted a door at home, Leonie had lovely

 telephone contact with her children, David C has

an “urge to write”, Lynn visited her mother,

Terry picked up a beaut thesaurus at the markets,

Geoff had a quiet week, David R and friend had an

Enjoyable drive to Ulladulla and Cupitt’s Winery,

Wendy travelled to Victoria, Trevor had friends stay,

Elizabeth spent some lovely time in the Blue Mountains and visited Norman Lindsay’s gallery, Jo had no news to share.

Words of the day:

Polygamy – more than one husband/wife

Careen – Move rapidly

Shindig – A noisy party

Incongruous – Not in agreement

Custodian – Caretaker

Rebel – Deny authority

Dilemma – Requiring choice

Force Majeure – Inability to meet obligation

Frangible – Brittle

No one – Not anybody

Solicitude – Anxiety

We all wrote very witty short stories and poems using “Words of the day”

Reading of homework on “Show and Tell”

Trevor brought in a 100 year old Mini typewriter, Elizabeth read her beautiful poem “The Trees", Cath had a lovely Iris she wrote about, Leonie’s theme was confidence and she brought a beautiful charcoal drawing she’d done of her young son, David C - Part one of Old habits die hard, "A ring a vow and a dog tag” Geoff “Sorobon” about the Japanese abacus, David R a seashell and poem “Shells”, Wendy a great poem “It keeps me going”, Garry sent a story about the humble Tim Tam.


Terry reported no more news from SC Writers Centre about courses

Geoff reported 13th October Poets and Writers workshop, enquiries to jenmois@bigpond.com

Trevor is looking at our DVD ‘Write a novel


David C, a follow up to Die Hard

David R a bush ballad “The middle of  Nowhere”

For a short exercise we created a hilarious progressive write

Jenny said goodbye to the Group for awhile and thanked us for having her.

