06 June 2013

Meeting 5th June 2013

Present: Leonie, David R. David C., Cath, Elizabeth, Wendy, Geoff, Jo, Trevor.
Hello and welcome Trevor, a new member. 
Trevor told  a story about someone utilising his writing work under their name on computer.  Not fair.  He likes non-fiction and Australian stories, wants to publish.
Cath arranged for About Magazine, meeting times for our club.
Jo told about Community buses .... what are they?
Leonie went to see the Turner Exhibition. Lucky duck.
David C. saw email re cruise to Cairns via sail.  He has ideas, folk, he has ideas!
Geoff is going to attend University Forum re Referendum.
Elizabeth has had bus trouble too.  Visited niece - lovely journey.
David R. walking about 40 kms week. (At this rate he'll be 1100km away from here by Christmas. Don't go David)
Wendy trying to get Christmas in July arranged.  Venues thin on ground.
Word of the Day
tawdry:      showy, worthless, tasteless-finery.
camouflage: concealing, disguising, deceptive.
validity:      authentic, just truth.
lukewarm:   tepid.
stripling:     young boy.
metronome:  a counter for piano.
eclat:         conspicuous success, stylish.
sublimate:    hold down feelings.
abeyance:    hold back - suspension (temporary).
Writing from Word of the Day 
Cath:    Wrote about examing the metronome.
Trevor:  Used all words in two lines.
Wendy:  The stripling mincing.  Mouse-eaten clothes.
David R: A bloke trying to explain who he is.  A difficult task.
Elizabeth:  Piano playing - not a good student - needs more knowledge.
Geoff:   Getting stripling candidates in Government.  Just won't work.
David C:  A young man likes music.  He doesn't like singers.
Leonie:   Don't touch the metronome!  Boy gets into trouble.  A woman upsets him.
Jo:       Double Dutch to him, what is his Dad saying?
Reading of homework:  'Pretend'.
Garry:  Sister pretending to be a ballerina, make-believe world not like reality in the  family.  Talks to her dolls, hates Barbie and Ken.
Trevor:  Read Garry's 'The Great Pretender'.
Jo:      The Devil and the mermaid
Leonie:  'Pretense', Jonothan dancing seriously.  He was bent on using social mores - chose a woman, but lost some control.
David C: Pretended showing his accidents.  Then read poem about a wife who was awful.  Not his.
David R: 'Shy Shopping' poem.  Market owners doing business amongst the customers.  Shifty owners.
Wendy:  A politician - taking every bonus the job could offer - a poem.  Reference to Julia.
Garry also sent an Email that was just HIM!  Sent a 'Word' story of last week's words.  You know Gary, mad, didn't mention 'you know who' either.  Maybe he's sick.  Yes, L..EE..m..LE. 
Leonie talked about Geoff's magazine, interesting, passed it round.
We spoke briefly about how it seems easier to edit from paper copies than directly from the computer face.
David R:  Poems re 'Metronome' e.g. 'Metro-gnome'. also 'Hippocampus' - 'Hippo Campers'.
David C:  Was it you David who had rabies at this point?  Or have I got the wrong David?  I've written it down anyway. David C:  He did read out poems and discussed a small book of poems by Jim Haynes.  David was a ventriloquist's dummy once and it has stuck to him.
An Exercise.
Give each left side writer present, your list of about 5 ingredients for a story they must use when mixed.
Geoff:  Pokie player - club - Denise, they go to dinner - she paid for her own food.  Jarred mate!
Elizabeth:  A young man - looking out - sees two girls under an oak tree - goes out.
David R:  4'9" Bikie chick - lost boyfriend.  Poem.
Wendy:  Let's dance - lapdancer with wooden leg.  Harriet doesn't want splinters in her bum.
Trevor:  A bedraggled tramp - who was he?
Cath:  Politics - silent.
Jo:  The sad story.  Hair too long.  She died.
Leonie:  Has 2 children on her own.  Sews.  Does not laugh or eat.
David C:  Jennifer, fat, nasty wife, giving orders.  She died of fire - he has a holiday on the insurance money.
We did a progressive write.  We're all mad.  That's all it proves.  Trevor practically laughed himself under the table.  Good introduction, Trev.  More of that please.
Topic for Homework:  'Prehistoric'.