20 March 2013

Record of meeting 20 March 2013


Wendy, Terry, Leonie, Melissa, Trish, David R, Helene, David C, Lyn and welcome back to Jessica


Trish sang with Sing Australia on Sunday, Jessica set up a beauty business in the Philippines and is now happy to be back, Melissa has been busy unpacking and enjoying the view, David C has reduced his steroids and is feeling better, Leonie planning a plane trip to Melbourne next month, Terry has written to Media Watch about a pixilated sketch, Wendy is going to Nowra Players to see “The Hallelujah girls”, Helene has new orthotics, David R’s trip to Chilli was a great success and wrote 50 poems on his travels, Lyn’s grandson had his appendix out.

Words of the day

Sacrosanct – most sacred or holy

Genteel – polite

Conflict – disagreement, clash

Lambaste – criticise harshly

Moot – debatable, doubtful, controversial

Fugacious – fleeting or fading quickly

Invertebrate – lacking a backbone

Curmudgeon - angry person, cantankerous

Maunder - someone who is poor

Juxtaposition – side by side

Writing from words of the day

We wrote great stories about football, over the fence, dreaming of the Pope, the jury, any juxtaposition, Jellyfish café, very genteel, a council meeting, at another meeting, a Manly supporter.

Reading of homework

Knit one purl one, Pearl’s secret, Pearls of wisdom, Fascination - a lovely story by Leonie, The centre of attention, What a Pearl – why Pearl receives free lunch, Purl not plain, Pearl divers in 1861


David C read more of Charlie the Detective

Trish brought “New selected poems” by Seamus Heaney and discussed the poem Blackberries

Jessica read from her autobiography

David R read poems “Waiting for a miracle” and “Lost in thought”


Liar, liar pants on fire