07 March 2013

Record of meeting 6 March 2013

Attendees: Wendy, Terry, Cath, Jo, Leonie, Geoff, David C, Garry

News of the Day

Geoff: attended a good concert by Sydney Male Choir – full house.

Garry: had an MRI and going to Wollongong Friday for results

Wendy: getting ‘stretching’ at physio to assist her sciatica.

Terry: having seriously annoying problems with his internet provider.

Cath: 3 great-grand nieces born this last week.

Jo: no car for a while so was home.

Leonie: had watched a TV series, LIFE, so bought the DVD’s

David C: disturbing story of ‘green-slip’ and insurance because of a typo on his records at NRMA.

Words of the Day

Intrinsic, humour (humorous), implication, acerbic, paltry, spectacularly, appertaining, contrite

Quick Write

A lot of fun in the poetry and ‘writes’

Homework readings

Poetry and writings were entertaining on the topic of annoy and annoying


David C read some poetry from his ‘treasure trobe’

Bride of the City – hand written over 100 years ago by John Kendrick Bangs

Jo read some poetry

Geoff read a letter he has written to the Editor about, ‘John Howard may be nominated a G G if Libs get into government’


We had a good discussion covering interesting topics about writing.

Jo shared a web site for homework ideas.


Think of something you are afraid of and weave it into a character in a short story.