19 December 2013

Christmas poem from David R



I’m grateful for benefaction

It’s a simple way of saying

You make a difference in my life

The love we’re all conveying

Christmas is for families

For friends and close acquaintances

To get together share a plate

And be granted second chances

Integration is the cornerstone

That glues us all together

The writers group’s a family

In bright and stormy weather

Another year has slipped away

Are they really speeding up

We’re here today to celebrate

And share a cake and cup

There’s Terry Cath and Jo Jo too

Margaret Trish Helene and Garry

David C Wendy Geoff and Melissa

And my god and Holy Mary

There also is Leonie

Lynn and Robyn K

Elizabeth and Fifi

And others that got away

To every single one of you

Each and every treasured friend

You make my life complete

And sometimes drive me round the bend




David Rudder

14th December 2013




18 December 2013

Record of meeting 18 December 2013 - Christmas meeting

 Words of the day

Benefaction = donation or gift

Eleemosynary = charitable, philanthropic

Impromptu = unrehearsed, without planning

Kismet = destiny fate

Sorority = US society for female students

Coterie = small select group of people with a shared interest

Instil = infused, or put into liquid or put into the mind gradually

Innate = deeply imprinted

Bask = exposed to gentle heat, revel in something pleasant

Writing from words of the day

We created a great range of stories with the themes - The meeting of the sisterhood, Reading out aloud, Deserving of selection, The loopy society, Poorer people, Polluted by blokes, No sport on TV, Marcia’s Mercedes and the One dollar donation.

Reading of homework

We heard Christmas stories with the titles - Standards of Christmas from Helene, Increase the dose next time – a funny poem from Wendy, The shopping list from Cath, Santa Clause sleigh update from Terry, Integration – a poem of appreciation from David R, The night before Christmas from David C, Christmas in Tokyo 1970 from Geoff and Uncle Rudolph from Garry in Thailand.

Christmas afternoon tea

We shared a yummy afternoon tea including sausage rolls, pies, dips, cheese, cakes, mince pies and fruit while we shared details of our most memorable Christmas gifts.


More of Charlie the detective from David C


We participated in progressive write starting with “What I want for Christmas”. Stories included rabbit eradication, Lotto wins, the circus, the real thing, the perfect husband and other weird tales.


Predictions for 2014
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Bay and Basin Writers Group







13 December 2013

Christmas lunch 12 December 2013

Cath, Jo, Melissa, Geoff, David C, Trish, Helene, Terry, Margaret, David R and Wendy at DDs

12 December 2013

Meeting notice 18 December 2013

 Please bring a plate of goodies to share for our Christmas meeting on 18 December 2013

Also bring ideas for a Christmas writing exercises to share


Sadly there will be no meetings on Wednesday 25 December or 1 January.


See you back on 8 January with some new writing ideas for 2014







11 December 2013

Record of meeting 11 December 2013

 Speedy Get well wishes to David R from the group.

Words of the day

 Embarrassed = feeling self conscious or ashamed

Vagary = an unexpected change

Impecunious = poor or a broke person

Mews = stables converted to housing

Simian = ape like

Acrimony = sharpness of temper, caustic words

Astute = cunning, crafty

Dowager = a widow of property or title from her husband or a dignified older woman

Stories from the words of the day

We produced a great range of interesting stories in 10 Minutes - Managing the estate, I used to live in Sydney, A monkeys uncle, Swinging from the trees, The business card, The Dowager’s lover, The gambler and Her own son.

Reading of homework

Great homework stories on neighbours on the topics of In my cul-de-sac; Nosey neighbour in a southern voice from Melissa; Eves dropping on the neighbours; Mitch’s Mow; Neighbours in Chiang Dao; Stuffing up next door; and Charlie’s mother.

Reading and discussion

Reading of a - Three word story - Follows the alphabet - from David C.

We discussed the email from Diana M Thomas Community Information Directory Librarian Shoalhaven City Council on behalf of the Shoalhaven Writers’ Festival planning team about a proposed Writers Festival in 2014. Helene will prepare a draft reply for comment from the group.


From Melissa – the action of a sentence exercise - two examples

Dinosaurs (noun) marinate (verb) in the earth. 

The fiddles (noun) boiled (verb) the air with their music.

We each created lists of 10 nouns, and then listed 15 verbs describing an occupation. From this we created
surprising sentences. We hope to be motivated to think of different ways to combine verbs and nouns.

Christmas lunch

Don't forget Christmas lunch 12 noon, 12 December, DDs

A Christmas theme (think about combining those nouns and verbs in unusual ways)





04 December 2013

Record of meeting 4 December 2013

Present with News

David C built a shed next door (what a neighbour), Geoff had water pipes burst and flooded the floor, Trish’s voice is coming and going, luckily she has good bone density, Helene saw “The Butler” and wrote to Aeroplane Jelly, Wendy had her operation and it didn’t work and waited in hospital 3 days for a scan and had to share a shower with three men, Cath sort of broke her middle toe and then danced, Terry’s cataract surgery was successful, Jo’s laundry flooded, Margaret woke at 3 am and remembered she hadn’t read the second page of her homework last week, Leonie’s children are visiting for Christmas, the projector broke down and while she had an MRI and a medical appointment her partner bought new equipment and he has given up artificial sweeteners and his health has improved.

Words of the day

Hindsight = the ability to understand after something has happened or rear sight

Adhere = stick to or follow a cause

Chronic = a length of time

Enigma = a puzzle or riddle

Halteres = a weight held in the hand, the balance of insects

Politic = likely to become advantageous, astute

Enclave = a district surrounded by another district

Anaphora = repetition of a phrase for emphasis

Felicitous = pleasing, happy

Frolic = run and play in a lively way

Writing from words of the day

The well worded group produced a range of stories on the topics Remain in your place, The green slopes of Parliament house, The long jump frolic, I was a clown, On the beach at Bondi, Tell a friend about it, Education policy, Jaws, Out with the tyrant and Over the cliff.

Homework reading

 We read a variety of great homework from those present and those on leave; including A vision from a hidden room, Charlie returns, I grew a tail (from fishy David R), The Bondi tip, Seeing and learning, The dental bill (from Garry in Thailand), You silly old goat, A reading from Dillon Thomas, The second page of Margaret’s homework from last week about a discarded phone and pitch blackness a murder mystery in the bush.


Jo bought a rocky thing to ask if it was a fossil. No decision was reached.

Helene gave some more information about ABC Open and the fact that Sarah Moss our Regional Producer will visit us on Wednesday 19 February 2014 to give the group information about the program.

David C read a poem by A B Patterson’s grandmother- looks like he had inspiration there.


Geoff reminded us about two launches on Saturday 7 December

Deb Benson’s book Gallipoli Dog in Ulladulla and

The Kitchen table poets film in Nowra.

Three word sentence quick write

We stemmed our verbosity to create stories containing three word sentences. The stories covered the topics of Shakespeare the bard; Three little words; Are we there; Clean car tomorrow; Eat this stew; Tourist masses come; Pitch a tent; I don’t know; and I was ill.


Neighbours (Fifi and Garry - please no singing from the neighbours theme song)





03 December 2013

Tribute to our Writing Group

By Terry McLafferty

Wednesday is our day of days…it’s when we writers meet
Either scribing on an iPad…or just a plain white sheet
With topics quite eclectic…and pasts diverse and wide
We pen our thoughts in rapid fire…our minds are never dried

Take Jo our latest scribe of note…turning words out by the score
Just when you thought she’d penned enough…out come volumes more
And Cath…our happy matriarch…so succinct in quickwrite mode
Her brain still sharp as any…a gift she’s been bestowed

Now Helene can be relied upon…to keep us on our toes
But where she gets her ideas from…I guess only Fifi knows
And Garry now living across the sea…in the land once called Siam
Enjoying Thai cooked delicacies…except the great Tim Tam

Our Melissa hails from Phoenix…that’s a long long way away
Her lyrics flow like liquid gold…just like a verbal ballet
Of course Scotty can’t be overlooked…he invented Charlie Wu
A copper borrowed from China way…where the pandas eat bamboo

Leonie is our quiet one… but oh so very clever
Her writings deep and meaningful…a lifetime long endeavor
David R our bard of rhyme…ideas thought while near the brine
Inspired words and phrases…in his poems…all combine

Geoffrey keeps us thinking…penning thoughts of a political bent
His writings well considered…no excess verbiage in his vent
Wendy is our comic scribe…only tall when on the stairs
With quick fire wit and cleverness…she’s our local Pammy Ayres

Elizabeth comes from Orange town…once a farmer and a flier
Now living in our coastal town…she could be a pen for hire
Trish is our worldly lady…telling tales of London Town
With a cheeky sense of humour…she’s fun to have around

Lynn, I knew from years ago…she writes like a writer should
But if the muse abandons…her paintings are very good
Margaret’s been here just a while…The Watermelon Farmer’s Daughter
Away from the country she’s long known…now living by the water

Robyn, Robyn, good old mate…been here a quite long time
Calls a spade a shovel…but her words are quite sublime
Now Trevor's just a newbie...and while computers have been his thing
He's now enjoying wordsmithing...making those letters sing

I guess that leaves yours truly…but I won’t beat my chest
‘Cause this group of budding writers…are the friends I call my best.

27 November 2013

Record of meeting 27 November 2013


Bullamakanka – an imaginary remote place

Two bits – American 5 and 10 cent coins (Geoff bought in samples)

Avatar – a visual characture

Pariah – a social outcast

Poignant – harrowing, painful to the emotions & stimulating to the palate

Laconic – concise or succinct

Stringent – severe, rigid, exact

Degustation – something that can be tasted

Clause – part of a sentence or part of a contract

Peccadillo – a minor fault or sin

Beggar’s belief – impossible to believe

Tangle – untidy mass of things not in any state of order


Stories from words of the day

The talented group produced a range of stories (many involving beer) on the topics of An eating competition, Present day society, A dingo on heat, Escape to TV, Travel back in time, My inheritance, Aboriginal communities, A trip to Bullamakanka and Woop Woop, In the bar, The King eats cabbage tarts, Send her to Bullamakanka and a Two bit motel.


Diligent members read stories on the topics of Tip closed for a function from David C, Given away to a man from Margaret, A trip to the tip from Garry in Thailand including two songs, The rubbish dump of life from Wendy, I like to recycle from Helene, Come to sing in Jervis Bay from Trish, Treasures from the tip from Terry and Happy little recycler - a story of three word sentences from Lynn.


Gallipoli Dog a book launch at Ulladulla Ex Services Club Saturday

Nowra Kitchen poets group movie at the Shoalhaven Arts Centre

Further details available from Geoff

Reading and discussion

Terry read a poem about Wednesday – flattering descriptions of the group members. Terry will publish on the blog for all to enjoy.

We discussion the ABC Open 500 word stories projects. You can find further information at ABC https://open.abc.net.au/projects

Helene will contact Sarah Moss our ABC Open regional producer to ask her to make a presentation to the group possibly on 11 December. More details after we hear from Sarah.

Three word exercise

We created great three word stories on the topics of Eat possum stew; Come on Tuesday; In the bush; I’ll tell Dad; Rhymes with Wanka; Don stood up; Love for money; One pub there; Living on fairyfloss and Beer on tap.


Seeing things






22 November 2013

Meeting 20 November 2013

"One volunteer is worth ten pressed men" Horatio Nelson.
Minutes of B & B Writers 20 November 2013

Present and News from around the Table.
Leonie. Went to Canberra {It was closed}
Lynn. Went to mums, her sister is unwell.
Jo. Had three manuscripts to read {A prolific writer}
Terry. Went to the funeral of a good friend.
Cath. Getting her house in order.
Wendy. Had her sister down to visit.
Margaret. Virtual breakfast {Megabytes and gluten free Data]
Geoff. Went to a play in Nowra.
Elizabeth. Attended a 60th birthday party, and the kids took the cake.
David C. Booked a Tassie trip.
David R. Reunion at Avalon Sailing Club.

Leonie. Stolid.    Unemotional Impassive [stolid to a T]
Lynn.    Decrypt. Decode Decryptic
Jo.        Resplendent. Bright Gaudy
Terry.   Puerile. Childish immature.
Cath    Tenor. Not the singers but of the mind.
Wendy. Opprobrious. Scurrilous Disgraceful conduct.
Margaret. Shambolic. Badly organized Chaotic.
Geoff.  Contrite. Apologetic, Humbling.
Elizabeth. Floe. The flow of a piece of Ice
David R. Pique. Animosity A slight irritation.
David C Nichodemia {Andrew Denton} Rejoicing in anticipation of success.

Quick write using our words.
Leonie, A challenge. Lynn. Apologetic for Spying. Margaret. Goodbye Teddy
Jo. The wedding party, a family feud. Terry. Cricket poetic batting.
Cath. Diving on Ice. Wendy Pure poetry. Elizabeth. Testy.
Geoff. Political Satire. David R. Soliciting for his Rites [Rights]
David C. Listening in to a telephone. [Bugging]

Garry. Aboriginal history from 1964 {excellent piece].
David R. Swimming with Dolphins.
Margaret. Walking after midnight with Moses.
Geoff. A year of contrasts, writing , reading and music.
Elizabeth. Her intentions were good.
Leonie. Down to the beach and sea.
Jo. Doom and Gloom.
Terry. One day in April.
Cath. Being picked up by Rowing Football players.
David C. Wild life in Our Back Yard {another brilliant story] yep I am writing this.

Quick write.
Leonie. Friendless conversation. Lynn. Raining in three words.
Jo. Schoolboy Antics. Terry . Lost Car Keys. Cath. Toast and Jam.
Wendy. Dancing Disasters. David R. A confused mind. Geoff. Morning Routine.
Margaret. A country Boy. Elizabeth. Rat a two ee. David C. Religion Sex Mystery.

A Trip to the Tip.

Or was it. The fast lane, A bump in the night, man/woman of the moment, or a soul catches up. [Confusion Rained and we all got wet. ] THAT'S ALL FOLKS .

13 November 2013

Record of meeting 13 November 2013

Present Leonie, Elizabeth, Jo, Trish, Cath, Helene, Geoff, David C

 News Leonie had no news to share, David C had his daughter visiting and entered a competition, Geoff attended an enjoyable concert at the Nowra School of Arts, Helene enjoyed the movie Gravity and the Vincentia Food Fair, Cath doesn’t need new glasses, Trish is having problems with her voice, The title of Jo’s book is Bloody murders, silly murders and bloody silly murders. Elizabeth enjoyed a 100 th birthday party, but the cake was fresh.

Words of the day Derisory = mocking, shocking Detritus = rubbish, disintegrated Adept = skilful, Respect = admiration, high opinion, deference, reverence Waver = indecision Onomatopoeia = word that sounds like the sound it makes Renege = to go back on a promise Parlay = using money won on a bet to make another bet

 Writing from words of the day We created a stunning range of stories on the topics - In discussion with his neighbour, PM Abbott, the beach cleaner, A great novel, A puffed chest, Getting rich, Gambling the crowd and Party support.

 Reading of homework Absent and present members provided the following range of stories - Full of himself from Garry, Watching me the best looking male (something about cockroaches from Jo), The woman in the front seat (some jealousy from Elizabeth), Rules for staff which should be in all mental hospital from Leonie, A super hero with NVPL from Geoff, Nemo’s sister from David R’s murky mind and Lucky Ducky from Helene.

 Exercise We created stories about things we only dream of doing or being namely The wrong man, The tandem jump, The bungee jump, The bridge climb, A bridge climb and a singing octopus, fossil fossick so Jo can be surrounded by old bones, Travels in China and a holiday by deep pools.

 ABC Open David C, Trish and Helene attended a workshop given by Sarah Moss on how to publish 500 word stories on ABC Open. ABC Open is a government initiative to encourage people living in regional areas of Australia to share their experiences and learn new skills. Stories can be shared on line, on radio and on TV. You can find further details on https://open.abc.net.au/posts/tags/500%20words Sarah Moss is the Producer for our area and can be contacted at abcopen.southcoast.tablelands@abc.net.au and on mobile 0477 309 110 or at work (02) 4428-4544. Sarah is happy to make a presentation to the group about ABC Open.

 Homework Choose a topic or both from the current two ABC Open projects The most memorable thing that happened in 2013 or how we met.

07 November 2013

Meeting 6th November

Once more the Sword of Debacle has been placed on my shoulder. So here goes,

This are the Minutes for 6-11-2013.

Present David C, Geoff, Terry, Wendy, Cath, and Elizabeth. Jo arrived later without a late note, dually noted. We had a visiting writer from the Sutherland Writers Group. Walter, who was made welcome and reciprocated with tenet from his group.

 Useful and informative knowledge pertaining to substance and the formation of short stories, tomes and the like. But hey I digress.

 News Geoff. saw a Quartet of Sax {Saxophones} Terry. Happy Birthday for Tues and Triumphant find at Tomerong. Elizabeth. Went to Pambula and returned via beautiful mountains. Wendy. At Terrara caravan park for a bike swap meet Walter. Expounded the need to be prepared for Bush Fires Cath. Sorry Cath can’t remember I was in dreamland. David C. Dreaming about shoveling S—uff at the tip.

Word of the Day. Geoff Accentuate To emphasize or to highlight Terry Desultory Aimless jumping from one thing to another Elizabeth Permeate Osmosis seeping through or to blend Wendy Gusto Hearty enjoyment Walter Stall To prevent or delay an action Cath Tawdry Cheap or Vulgar {the word not her} David C. Bereft Deprived or abandoned

Quick write from the words of the day
 As per usual Geoff Terry and David C. were master debaters of the Political Satire. Wendy Dinner was on the nose Cath B.B.Q The last sandwich. Walter About horses and the Lord and Master of the hill Homework David C. The Welcome Mat { an excellent poem that I wrote} Terry Scruffy Jack chilling story about eye balls Walter Explore the theories of writing disciplines Jo A Specter a creature of the mind {Creepy}

Quick write On the edge of a cliff David C. Bless you mum Terry To the edge of a relationship Geoff Back from the Abyss Elizabeth Over the edge Wendy Drinking on the edge of the cliff Walter Crawling to the edge Cath Lost in the Dark Jo Dog on a cliff top. All the stories were a credit to the diverse thought process of the individual writer

 Homework  Nemesis Retribution for evil deeds, avenger, revenge or the four horsemen of the apoxxy lips

30 October 2013

Record of meeting 30 October 2013


Leonie, David C, Geoff, Margaret, Helene, Wendy, Terry, Jo, Cath, David R

Words of the day

Proclivities = propensity to something, natural inclination

Moribund = mortal or in a dying state

Diabolic = devilish

Fodder = useful for a specific purpose

Snollygoster = lying politician

Philanderer = man who flirts and has casual affairs

Sequestration = to place in safe keeping or forced confiscation

Whet = to sharpen by friction or stimulate

Vacillate = indecisive

Demur = objection, disagree

Writing from words of the day

We created a great range of political and other stories and poems including Human life and war, Appetite for castration, Exaggeration, How can he? The lower side of life, Feathering their nests, I am a comedian, The naughty son, Appetite for dinner and A fake trace.

Reading of homework

The aid of the shire – a great poem from Terry, Ms Ordinary, The incinerator and the shredder, Dreaming, The earth from 4 year old Leonie, The red setter a beautiful description from David R and part of Murder in the sticks from Jo.

Discussion on copyright

We discussed EJ Brady short story competition conditions including copyright and publishing issues. Jo mentioned a recent TV program about copyright probably on ABC 1 - suggest you have a look on I-view.


Helene read out David ‘s poem Electronic Attitude – he would have done a more electric job.

David C read out a poem from old documents he found.

Jo talked about a unique character her grandmother lived with in Bondi and David C talked an interesting family member of a friend.

Christmas lunch

Let Wendy know if you will be attending our Christmas lunch at 12 noon on Thursday 12 December 2013 at DDs


Write a story or poem that takes place in a mental hospital.