08 February 2012

Record of meeting 8 February 2012

News: David C no news is good news. Trish been decorating and walking the dog by the sea. Helene quiet at home and has been to Canberra. Leonie has been to the National Gallery in Canberra and enjoyed the sculpture garden. Geoff had a letter published in the Financial Review responding to John Howards letter about the film The Iron Lady. Garry had an interesting experience on the train and was offloaded on a bus which did not meet the train so missed the bus to the Basin along with a number of other people David R suggested use of the RTA trip planner to avoid problems. Robyn had no news. Wendy’s daughter in law sees the oncologist in Queensland this week. Terry’s grandson who just started school was disappointed there was no school on Saturday. David R wrote a poem Arimez containing many made up words.

Word of the day
Garry neurological = study of the nerves. Robyn silhouette = an outline uniformly filled in with black like a shadow. Wendy propinquity = in proximity, kinship. Terry foment = to promote and encourage trouble. David R - surreptitious = kept secret and expatiate = to speak or write at length. David C – boletic = fungus or like a mushroom. Trish salacious = obsession with sex. Helene - Thought generally refers to any mental or intellectual activity involving an individual's subjective conspicuousness. Leonie - uncouth = second meaning not known or unknown. Geoff lapidary = pared down or polished and lusaphone (from Lusitanian) speakers of Portuguese.

Quick write from words of the day
Leonie – couples in close proximity. Geoff – Uncouth Irish royalty. Garry – the difficult patient. Robyn – A boletic personality. Wendy – My husband. Terry – a hero in yellow briefs. David R silhouette in a tent. David C – the prose writer. Helene – What is a thought?

Homework readings
Robyn – Gerry a well dressed mystery man the smuggler. Wendy – a funny poem born in Fectious a terrible town. Terry – two poems one on mosquitoes and the second the billy cart mission. David R a poem on the car race very adroit and a poem about a woman with an infectious smile. David C – the letter from Egypt an epiphany. Trish – don’t kiss on Valentines Day. Helene – a very short poem about infectious smiles and laughter. Leonie – Madeline is forced to leave the infectious joy of London. Garry – the stimulation of the writers group, infectious enthusiasm and change yes we can, I have a dream.

Trish – The hairdresser with a bright idea on Monday hangover day. David R spoke about Ernest Hemingway's life and writing.

Office bearers
Robyn explained the requirements of the IMB to change office holders which will be required after the expected departures of Mandy and Robyn from the group.


Recognition - see what you can make out of that.

05 February 2012

Record of meeting 1 February 2012

Present: David R, Robyn, Dave C, Geoff, Leonie, Wendy, Garry

Garry – cousin visited and told about the ‘family tree’
Wendy – no good news but things are okay
David R – swimming, running – all is good.
Robyn – showed the plans for her new house and spoke of the benefits, which are fantastic, at the ‘village’.
Geoff – went to Sydney for a CD release/launch ‘concert' – music was wonderful. The pianist was Ambre Hammond and the bandolean player Marcelo Maio (Argentinian).
David C – daughter news – all are well and good
Leonie – had quotes for the garden in the new house but plans keep changing to fit the needs of her husband but fortunately it is not a big block

Words of the Day
Wendy – paraphernalia – personal articles reserved by law for a married woman – all your personal things.
Garry – Prognostication - A statement about or prior knowledge of the future.
David – pragmatic – dealing with things realistically and practical ways.
Leonie – droll = queer or old – quaintly amusing,
Robyn = misocapnist
misocapnist 1. A person who hates smoking or the smell of tobacco smoke. 2. A reference to anyone who hates tobacco smoke in any form.
Geoff = apposite = appropriate/suitable
1. Strikingly appropriate and relevant.
David C – onerous = on·er·ous ( n r- s, n r-). adj. 1. Troublesome or oppressive; burdensome.

Quick Write – 15 minutes because of complexity of the words of the day.

David C – story of a woman who had been murdered
Geoff – a story of his son’s marriage and his matriarchal wife.
Leonie – continuation of an old story of Madelaine.
Garry - Isn’t this year flying by so quickly?
Wendy – a great little poem
David R – a fun poem
Robyn – a short story but good.

HOMEWORK - an ‘enlightening’ moment
Garry – first solo landing.
David R – another great poem– a ‘brain implosion’
Robyn – a good story – at the supermarket – 10% discount.
David C – The Letter – grandparents – shock and sadness – finding an ‘old’ letter sent from the battlefields of Egypt.
Geoff – read one of his poems Brief Transcendence.
Sharing of writings and poems
Geoff shared a few pages from his story that he has been writing.
A poem shared by Garry that he received through the internet
General discussion –
An interesting discussion about the ‘benefits’ of the Writers group – how it is a ‘positive’ influence on members.
There was enough time left to do an activity.

A 5 minute quick write on ‘A bad hair day' was fun

Homework due 8 February 2012
Infectious – (the word can be used in any way you want to write about it.)